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Files Endpoints

CTFd Version: 3.7.0

Last Updated: 30/3/2024



File Model

Represents a file in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "string",
    "location": "string",
    "sha1sum": "string",
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the file
type string The type of the file. Possible values are "standard", "challenge" and "page"
location string The location of the file
sha1sum string The SHA1 checksum of the file

ChallengeFile Model

Represents a file associated with a challenge in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "challenge",
    "location": "string",
    "sha1sum": "string",
    "challenge_id": 1
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the file
type string The type of the file. Has to be set to "challenge"
location string The location of the file
sha1sum string The SHA1 checksum of the file
challenge_id int The ID of the challenge that the file is associated with

PageFile Model

Represents a file associated with a page in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "page",
    "location": "string",
    "sha1sum": "string",
    "page_id": 1
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the file
type string The type of the file. Has to be set to "page"
location string The location of the file
sha1sum string The SHA1 checksum of the file
page_id int The ID of the page that the file is associated with

GET /files


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to get all files in bulk. Can be filtered by type and location.

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
type string The type of the file to filter by. Possible values are "standard", "challenge" and "page"
location string The location of the file to filter by
q string A search query to match against the given field. If this is specified, field must also be specified
field string The field to search against, can be either type or location. If this is specified, q must also be specified.


  • 200 OK - The files were retrieved successfully

    • list[File|ChallengeFile|PageFile]
          "success": true,
          "data": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "string",
                  "location": "string",
                  "sha1sum": "string",
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "challenge",
                  "location": "string",
                  "sha1sum": "string",
                  "challenge_id": 1
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "page",
                  "location": "string",
                  "sha1sum": "string",
                  "page_id": 1
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not allowed to access this endpoint

    • application/json
          "message": "string"

POST /files


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to create a new file.

Multipart Form Parameters

Fun Fact

This is the only endpoint that accepts multipart form data when using an API key for authentication. In fact, there is logic in the source code written specifically for this endpoint.

    def tokens():
        token = request.headers.get("Authorization")
        if token and (
            request.mimetype == "application/json"
            # Specially allow multipart/form-data for file uploads
            or (
                request.endpoint == "api.files_files_list"
                and request.method == "POST"
                and request.mimetype == "multipart/form-data"


If the location field is set to a path where a file already exists, the existing file will be overwritten.

Field Name Description
file The file(s) to upload. This can be specified multiple times to upload multiple files.
challenge_id (Optional) The ID of the challenge to associate the file(s) with. This is required if the file is a challenge file. If both challenge_id and challenge is specified, challenge_id will be used.
challenge (Optional) The ID of the challenge to associate the file(s) with. This is required if the file is a challenge file. If both challenge_id and challenge is specified, challenge_id will be used.
page_id (Optional) The ID of the page(s) to associate the file with. This is required if the file is a page file. If both page_id and page is specified, page_id will be used.
page (Optional) The ID of the page to associate the file(s) with. This is required if the file is a page file. If both page_id and page is specified, page_id will be used.
type (Optional) The type of the file(s). Possible values are "standard", "challenge" and "page". Defaults to "standard"
location The location of the file. If multiple files are specified, this field cannot be set.


  • 200 OK - The file was created successfully

    • list[File|ChallengeFile|PageFile]
          "success": true,
          "data": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "string",
                  "location": "string",
                  "sha1sum": "string",
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "challenge",
                  "location": "string",
                  "sha1sum": "string",
                  "challenge_id": 1
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "page",
                  "location": "string",
                  "sha1sum": "string",
                  "page_id": 1
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not allowed to access this endpoint

    • application/json
          "message": "string"

GET /files/{file_id}


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to get a specific file.


  • 200 OK - The file was retrieved successfully

    • File | ChallengeFile | PageFile
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "string",
              "location": "string",
              "sha1sum": "string",
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "challenge",
              "location": "string",
              "sha1sum": "string",
              "challenge_id": 1
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "page",
              "location": "string",
              "sha1sum": "string",
              "page_id": 1
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not allowed to access this endpoint

    • application/json
          "message": "string"
  • 404 Not Found - The file does not exist

    • application/json
          "message": "string"

DELETE /files/{file_id}


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to delete a specific file.


  • 200 OK - The file was deleted successfully

    • application/json
          "success": true
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not allowed to access this endpoint

    • application/json
          "message": "string"
  • 404 Not Found - The file does not exist

    • application/json
          "message": "string"