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Comments Endpoints

CTFd Version: 3.7.0

Last Updated: 30/3/2024



Comment Model

Represents a comment in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "standard",
    "content": "string",
    "date": "string",
    "author_id": 1,
    "author": {
        "name": "string"
    "html": "string"
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment

ChallengeComment Model

Represents a comment for a challenge in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "challenge",
    "content": "string",
    "date": "string",
    "author_id": 1,
    "author": {
        "name": "string"
    "html": "string",
    "challenge_id": 1
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment
challenge_id int The ID of the challenge the comment is associated with

UserComment Model

Represents a comment for a user in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "user",
    "content": "string",
    "date": "string",
    "author_id": 1,
    "author": {
        "name": "string"
    "html": "string",
    "user_id": 1
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment
user_id int The ID of the user the comment is associated with

TeamComment Model

Represents a comment for a team in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "team",
    "content": "string",
    "date": "string",
    "author_id": 1,
    "author": {
        "name": "string"
    "html": "string",
    "team_id": 1
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment
team_id int The ID of the team the comment is associated with

PageComment Model

Represents a comment for a page in the CTFd database.

    "id": 1,
    "type": "page",
    "content": "string",
    "date": "string",
    "author_id": 1,
    "author": {
        "name": "string"
    "html": "string",
    "page_id": 1
Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment
page_id int The ID of the page the comment is associated with

GET /comments


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to get comments in bulk. Limited to 50 comments per request. Can be filtered by challenge_id, user_id, team_id and page_id.

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
challenge_id int The ID of the challenge to get comments for
user_id int The ID of the user to get comments for
team_id int The ID of the team to get comments for
page_id int The ID of the page to get comments for
q string A search query to match against the given field. If this is specified, field must also be specified
field string The field to search against, can be either only content. If this is specified, q must also be specified.
page int The page number to retrieve. Defaults to 1


  • 200 OK - The comments were retrieved successfully

    • list[Comment|ChallengeComment|UserComment|TeamComment|PageComment]
          "success": true,
          "meta": {
              "pagination": {
                  "page": 1,
                  "next": 1,
                  "prev": 1,
                  "pages": 1,
                  "per_page": 50,
                  "total": 1
          "data": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "standard",
                  "content": "string",
                  "date": "string",
                  "author_id": 1,
                  "author": {
                      "name": "string"
                  "html": "string"
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "challenge",
                  "content": "string",
                  "date": "string",
                  "author_id": 1,
                  "author": {
                      "name": "string"
                  "html": "string",
                  "challenge_id": 1
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "user",
                  "content": "string",
                  "date": "string",
                  "author_id": 1,
                  "author": {
                      "name": "string"
                  "html": "string",
                  "user_id": 1
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "team",
                  "content": "string",
                  "date": "string",
                  "author_id": 1,
                  "author": {
                      "name": "string"
                  "html": "string",
                  "team_id": 1
                  "id": 1,
                  "type": "page",
                  "content": "string",
                  "date": "string",
                  "author_id": 1,
                  "author": {
                      "name": "string"
                  "html": "string",
                  "page_id": 1
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You do not have the access to view comments

    • application/json
          "message": "string"

Return Values

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment
challenge_id int The ID of the challenge the comment is associated with
user_id int The ID of the user the comment is associated with
team_id int The ID of the team the comment is associated with
page_id int The ID of the page the comment is associated with

POST /comments


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to create a new comment.

JSON Parameters


It is not possible to post a comment as another user by setting author_id to a different value. The author_id field is ignored and the comment is always created as the currently authenticated user.

Name Type Description
content string The content of the comment
type (Optional) string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
author_id (Optional) int The ID of the author of the comment
date (Optional) string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
challenge_id (Optional) int The ID of the challenge to associate the comment with
user_id (Optional) int The ID of the user to associate the comment with
team_id (Optional) int The ID of the team to associate the comment with
page_id (Optional) int The ID of the page to associate the comment with


  • 200 OK - The comment was created successfully

    • Comment
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "standard",
              "content": "string",
              "date": "string",
              "author_id": 1,
              "author": {
                  "name": "string"
              "html": "string"
    • ChallengeComment
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "challenge",
              "content": "string",
              "date": "string",
              "author_id": 1,
              "author": {
                  "name": "string"
              "html": "string",
              "challenge_id": 1
    • UserComment
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "user",
              "content": "string",
              "date": "string",
              "author_id": 1,
              "author": {
                  "name": "string"
              "html": "string",
              "user_id": 1
    • TeamComment
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "team",
              "content": "string",
              "date": "string",
              "author_id": 1,
              "author": {
                  "name": "string"
              "html": "string",
              "team_id": 1
    • PageComment
          "success": true,
          "data": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "page",
              "content": "string",
              "date": "string",
              "author_id": 1,
              "author": {
                  "name": "string"
              "html": "string",
              "page_id": 1
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not allowed to access this endpoint

    • application/json
          "message": "string"

Return Values

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the comment
type string The type of the comment. Possible values are "standard", "challenge", "user", "team", "page"
content string The content of the comment
date string The date the comment was created in ISO 8601 format
author_id int The ID of the author of the comment
author dict The author of the comment
html string The HTML content of the comment
challenge_id int The ID of the challenge the comment is associated with
user_id int The ID of the user the comment is associated with
team_id int The ID of the team the comment is associated with
page_id int The ID of the page the comment is associated with

DELETE /comments/{comment_id}


This endpoint is only accessible to admins.

Endpoint to delete a Comment.


  • 200 OK - The comment was deleted successfully

    • application/json
          "success": true
  • 400 Bad Request - An error occurred processing the provided or stored data

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "errors": [
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not allowed to access this endpoint

    • application/json
          "message": "string"
  • 404 Not Found - The comment with the specified comment_id does not exist

    • application/json
          "success": false,
          "message": "string"